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The word was coined from the Greek root ἀνδρ- andr- "man, male" (as opposed to ἀνθρωπ- anthrōp- "human being") and the suffix -oid "having the form or likeness of". In Greek, however, ανδροειδής is an adjective. While the term "android" is used in reference to human-looking robots in general, a robot with a female appearance can also be referred to as a gynoid. Androides Redirige a: Androide; This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors (read/edit). Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply. Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses. Cover photo is available Blog de referencia Android en Español. Toda la actualidad Android: noticias, SO, aplicaciones, juegos, móviles, trucos y mucho más 学习英语。超级有趣,完全免费。 • Google Play 2013 年度最佳。 • “在语言学习与 练习类应用中,没有人可以打败多邻国。” —PC 杂志编辑部语言学习推选。 手机更新软件–更新手机上安装的所有最新和旧应用程序版本。带有新更新软件检查 器的手机更新应用程序,以使您的手机保持最新。升级所有应用程序的软件,并 


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